This started out to be about coffee and coffee only, but I figure this would be a good place to give my views on life, karma, forgiveness, redemption and all of ther other things you can talk about over a cup of coffee.
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Friday, October 13, 2017
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Capresso Coffee Grinder
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Prime Towing a great cheap towing service.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Indianapolis Digital Marketers Self Funding SEO
Self-funding marketing campaigns aren't a new concept. Yet they're particularly appropriate for paid search engine marketing (SEM). Campaigns are an investment. Marketers can set budgets and objectives to assure profit. Profitable campaigns are often self-funding. When a campaign segment's net profit exceeds campaign cost, that segment is self-funding. Companies like Ratel SEO specialize in those kinds of activities. At the Advanced Search Marketing lunch following AD:TECH, Patrick Keane, Google's head of sales strategy, introduced the self-funded SEM concept to the audience. Marketers understand self-funding marketing helps them prove to management bigger search budgets can pay for themselves. Iggy Fanlo, chief revenue officer at, illustrated self-funded marketing's power. In a technology category, the cost of marketing for the segment was in line with that of a credit card merchant account, about 3 percent. Iggy later shared specifics across categories. "We're now tracking approximately 11 percent of our outgoing leads to sales. The most recent (last 14 days) average cost of advertising on is 4.2 percent as a percentage of sales." Every industry and product has a different profit margin. Yet 3 to 5 percent is likely to be a self-funding spend for any business. Most Indianapolis digital marketers with a self-funding strategy in an overall marketing plan use an "allowable." That's the cost of an order below the net profit and, therefore, a guarantee of a profitable campaign. Allowables can be set as a cost per order (CPO), cost per action (CPA), or another return on investment (ROI) metric, such as profit per dollar spent, where return is calculated as net profit per order (instead of just revenue). At the end of the day, it doesn't matter which ROI metric is used, as long as the metric factors in the transaction's net profit and compares it to the cost of driving that transaction. When, on an ongoing and predictable basis, the cost of achieving a sale is less than the net profit on that sale, the marketing program is self-funding. The closer net profit is to the cost of marketing, the less actual profit left for the company. To get rolling and ensure a reasonable profit, marketers using the self-funding concepts don't factor in lifetime value. This means if some buyers actually buy more than just one order and generate profits far in excess of the initial net profit, that information isn't taken into account when setting allowables. In reality, some customers are heavy buyers. Over time, including lifetime value data can further improve the accuracy of a self-funded campaign. If you are interested in working with an Indianapolis Digital Marketing firm to help execute your self funded search engine marketing campaign, look for Ratel SEO at: