Saturday, June 30, 2012

Issues. Just deal with it.

In a past version of me, Darrin 1.0, I would do anything to "avoid" drama, responsibility, maturity. You name it, I ran from it.  Now I might have denied I was running, but ultimately that is what it was.  I thought that not dealing with issues or problems that I created, or was a victim of, you name it was dealing with life.  Then one day, life ate me up. I needed to find a cheap criminal defense lawyer.  Literally took a great big ol' bite right out of me.  Any control that I thought I had, was taken from me.  When that happened I realized that no longer would I let the sun set on issues.  As I was confronted with problems I would deal with them immediately.  At that point, I created Darrin Marion 2.0.